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Do you have any questions?

Just drop us a message and we’ll reply within 24 hours.

Community > For anything technical / platform related

Our community Discord server is the best place to get help with Symbols.

Send a message to one of the admins in the relevant channel.

By email > For anything related to billing / your account / partnerships

For support from the Symbols team by email, please email us at support@symbols.app.

The most common use cases for Symbols are:

  • Build UIkits / design systems: components, pages style guide, functions etc.

  • Building web applications: SaaS products, internal tools & integrations, customer portals, etc.

  • Building websites: landing pages, personal portfolios, blogs, marketing websites, online stores

These use cases are distinct, yet they share many similarities and overlapping requirements. Enhancements in one area often directly benefit others. Symbols leverages this commonality, providing a unified visual platform and a single source of truth for all.

Learn more about each use cases by following the above links.

The most common use cases for Symbols are:

  • Build UIkits / design systems: components, pages style guide, functions etc.

  • Building web applications: SaaS products, internal tools & integrations, customer portals, etc.

  • Building websites: landing pages, personal portfolios, blogs, marketing websites, online stores

These use cases are distinct, yet they share many similarities and overlapping requirements. Enhancements in one area often directly benefit others. Symbols leverages this commonality, providing a unified visual platform and a single source of truth for all.

Learn more about each use cases by following the above links.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at support@symbols.app

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at support@symbols.app

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at support@symbols.app